


北歐華人基督教會赫爾辛基福音堂(NCCC Helsinki,以下簡稱本堂)是北歐華人基督教會的一個分支。作爲該教會的一部分,本堂與其他堂會互爲支持,共同建立教會肢體。本堂現分爲英語堂和華語堂,約總共80名成人會員,涵蓋各個年齡段和不同背景、語言的信徒和慕道友。會衆中常使用的語言包括國語、粵語及英語。




  • 正規神學教育背景
  • 擁有五年以上的牧會經驗和堅實的屬靈背景
  • 具備良好的語言能力,能用普通話進行交流和講道;具備粵語和英語沟通能力(不必须流利)
  • 認同北歐華人基督教會的神學原則和教會章程,有在北歐牧養群羊的聖靈的感動和呼召
  • 擁有成熟的品格和基督僕人的奉獻精神,平易近人且謙卑,能夠建立良好的人際關係,並能與擁有不同恩賜的人合作
  • 期待您有關懷/輔導方面的屬靈恩賜和強大的領導能力


  • 主領和組織主日崇拜,包括講道、施行聖餐和洗禮,提升教會內的敬拜和屬靈成長
  • 為慕道者準備入門/洗禮課程
  • 提供以福音為中心的教導和門徒訓練,促進信徒的屬靈成長和成熟
  • 裝備同工,包括各部門和團契的領袖,發展他們的恩賜和能力,共同建設教會
  • 參與執事會,制定教會的長期願景和目標
  • 參與其他北歐教會的聯合事工,包括偶爾前往鄰近城市講道、關懷、參與宣教活動,以及加強與其他堂會基督徒的合作和交流


  • 符合芬蘭勞動政策的薪資、假期和保險待遇
  • 未來的教育機會,包括對牧者進一步學習和相關培訓資源的財政支持
  • 社區支持,幫助您適應當地文化和生活,並解決實際問題



  • 個人見證,概述您的信仰歷程和屬靈成長
  • 至少兩位推薦人的聯繫方式(如導師或教會領袖)
  • 任何能展示您資質和對牧養教會的熱情的附加材料或經驗


更多關於我們教會的信息,請訪問我們的網站 chinesechurch.fi

Position Available: Full-Time Pastor at NCCC Helsinki

Nordic Chinese Christian Church (NCCC) is an interdenominational Chinese Christian Church with branches located throughout the Nordic region. Our mission is dedicated to spreading the gospel to people with Chinese cultural background and engaged in cross-cultural evangelism.

NCCC Helsinki, one of NCCC branches, supports one another in building up the body of Christ. We currently have two congregations; Chinese congregation and English congregation with approximately 80 adult members from various age groups, backgrounds, and languages. Our congregation commonly uses Mandarin, Cantonese and English.


As our current pastor will be resigning due to health reasons, we are currently seeking a full-time pastor who is called by God, willing to devote himself to pastoral ministry in the Nordic region, and shepherding the flock at our church. 


  • Formally recognized theological education 
  • 5+ years of pastoral experience and a strong spiritual background
  • Strong language skills with ability to preach in Mandarin and communicate (conversational level, may not be fluent) in Cantonese and English
  • Identify with our theological principles and constitution of our church, and has a calling or a strong desire to shepherd the flock in the Nordics
  • Have mature character and a commitment as a servant of Christ, approachable and humble, capable of building good interpersonal relationships, and able to collaborate with people of different gifts.
  • A spiritual gift particularly in caring/counseling and strong leadership skills is appreciated


  • Lead and organize Sunday worship services, including preaching, administering the sacraments of communion and baptism, and enhance internal worship and spiritual growth within the church
  • Prepare introductory/baptism classes for seekers
  • Provide gospel-centered teaching and discipleship training, and promote the spiritual growth and prosperity of believers
  • Equip co-workers including leaders in different ministries and fellowships, develop their gifts and abilities to utilize them in building the church together
  • Be part of the deacon board setting long term visions and goals for the church
  • Participating in joint ministries of other Nordic churches, including occasional travel to neighboring cities for preaching, caregiving, participating in mission activities, and strengthening cooperation and communication with other Christians

We offer:

  • Compensation that complies with Finnish employment policies, including salary, vacation, and insurance
  • Continuing education, including financial support for further study and relevant training and resources
  • Community support to help you adapt to the local culture and life, and to solve practical problems

If you meet the qualifications and are interested in this position, please submit your resume along with the following documents/information: 

  • A personal testimony outlining your faith journey and spiritual growth.
  • Contact information for at least two references (e.g. mentors or church leaders)
  • Any additional materials or experiences that showcase your qualifications and passion in shepherding a church

Email for submission and questions: recruitment@chinesechurch.fi 

For more information of our church, please visit our website chinesechurch.fi