- 主题:生命中的一件事
- 讲员:陈鹏传道
- 时间:9/8 – 11/8 (3天)
- 地点:Suomen Raamattuopisto, Helsingintie 10, 02700, Kauniainen
- – 2001:50e (非在职人员, 学生 40e)
- 2002–2007:40e
- 2008–2015:25e
- 2016:0e
营地报到时间: 8⽉9⽇ 16:00 – 17:00
JOY Next Gen Camp
- Theme: UnBelievable
- Speaker: Leon Ho
- Time: 8/8 – 11/8 (4 days)
- Place: Suomen Raamattuopisto, Helsingintie 10, 02700, Kauniainen
Camp fee
- – 2001: 65e (student 55e)
- 2002 – 2006: 55e
Who can join?
- 13 – 30 years old
- Understands and is able to communicate in Finnish or in English. The camp will be in FIN/ENG
Registration upon arrival: 8th Aug 16:00 – 17:00
付营费 Camp fee payment: Ah Woon Chan, FI18 3939 0051 3137 73 (请注明参加者姓名 Please write the participant’s name)
联络人 Contact person: Ah Woon Chan, +358 442738982, ahwoon88@gmail.com
报名在收到报名费后⽣效, 恕不退款。
Your registration is valid only after paid camp fee, not refundable.